Why You Should Wear Cycling-Specific Shoes


Cycling Shoes - Just A Luxury?

Since it's easy to just hop on the bike and start pedaling, you might think that cycling shoes are an unnecessary purchase.

Well, you would be wrong! If you are a cyclist (or mountain biker) and you plan on logging more than just a few miles, cycling shoes aren't just a luxury— they are a necessity.

Cycling Shoes Can Help You Keep Your Feet Healthy

As an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in foot and ankle injuries, I've seen firsthand how wearing improper footwear will lead to all kinds of injuries and issues.

So believe me when I say that getting the proper footwear can help you keep your feet healthy and happy. 

Now let's dive into some of the unique features that make cycling shoes worth the purchase.

Rigid Soles and Stiff Uppers Provide Benefits

The soles of cycling shoes usually have a rigid sole combined with a stiff upper section. Think of the motion that cyclists make, constantly pressing down with the foot, which must provide the support for the entire body at that instant of pressing down. 

This is why the sole must be stiff and rigid, to support the leg and the rest of the body while we press down. If the sole has too much give, the weight will be unevenly distributed around the foot. This can cause problems down the road.

Additional Benefits of Wearing Cycling Shoes:

  • Additional support can prevent you from losing balance and falling.

  • Cycling shoes have a specific fit that stops the foot from sliding in the shoe.

  • Cycling shoes can integrate with clipless pedals to help you pedal more powerfully and efficiently.

Types of Cycling Shoes

Road Cycling Shoes

The best shoes for road cycling are often well-ventilated, durable, lightweight, and stiff. These shoes offer the highest level of performance, but make no mistake, they are for cycling only and not for other activities. Don't try walking very far in these types of shoes.

If you are riding for long distances, you may consider shoes in the higher cost range, which may feature carbon fiber and a very rigid sole. However, if you plan on jumping on and off of your bike, there are shoes available that are not of the clip-in variety and will be more comfortable if you need to walk in them.

Mountain Biking Shoes

Mountain biking can be mellow, or it can be intense. Either way, you should have quality shoes to help you get the most out of your biking experience while minimizing your chances of injury. 

One of the most important things to consider before purchasing a mountain bike shoe is the type of pedal you will be riding with.

Some people prefer the same "clipless" pedals that many road cyclists use. These clip-in pedals offer a high-performance option that allows the biker to transfer maximum power to their pedaling.

Mountain biking shoes fall into three general categories:

  1. Cross-Country. These shoes are for bikers who are taking on long, non-technical rides.

  2. Downhill. These shoes are for the burly terrain and huge jumps that the downhill riders face.

  3. All-mountain shoes. These shoes are for rough terrain and trails.

Take some time at your local mountain bike shop to talk to an expert who can help you pick out the correct shoe for your needs.

Cycling Shoes ARE Important

I've stressed this point before here on the blog, and it's a point that applies to all sports and activities— shoes matter! Just as basketball players depend on the support of a high-top sneaker and soccer players need the support of cleats, cyclists and mountain bikers have particular needs that must be supported by their footwear. 

So if you are ready to get into the fun and rewarding sports of cycling or mountain biking, don't put shoes last on your gear list. Take some time to get the right footwear, and your experience will be that much better.

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