The Most Common Skiing Injuries (Info-Graphic)


It might not seem like it with all the heat, but fall is here. And us mountain folk are already dreaming about the upcoming ski season, believe it or not!

During the winter, my life here in Vail gets a little busier dealing with injuries. And hopefully I won’t be be seeing you in my office.

BUT sometimes, avoiding possible injuries comes down to knowing exactly what you are dealing with.

We see all sorts of injuries in the clinic during ski season, from knees to ankles to arms to legs. This week, team Elton whipped up this info-graphic that will give you an idea of what the most common skiing injuries are.

As a wise man said, “knowing is half the battle!”

Ok, ok, that was from an old G.I. Cartoon PSA, not an actual wise man. But we can’t all be Aristotle, right?

Enjoy and share with your skiing and snowboarding buddies!